Funny Text Messages Funny Text Messages Love You

Looking for flirty texts for him?

It can be so hard knowing the right thing to say whether you have been in a relationship for a short time or whether you have been successfully married for over 20 years!

We have you covered with 100+ of the best flirty conversation starters for him (Possibly even as some fun Tinder Pick up Lines!)

100+ Best Flirty Texts for Him

How to Send Flirty Texts

Flirty texts can be a bit cringeworthy. They are kind of like cringey pick up lines BUT they are so fun!

My best advice would be to rip the bandaid of and get to textin' a cringeworthy flirty message for him is guaranteed to make his (or her) day!

Here are some of the best flirty texts to send a guy (or girl) we came up with. Feel free to mix and match these flirty texts for him examples as you see fit!

It might also help to check out our flirty questions to ask a guy you like post for some more ideas!

Flirty Good Morning Texts For Him

Here are some of our favorite flirty good morning messages & good morning quotes for him:

Good Morning Handsome! Hope you have a fabulous day!

The thought of you makes my morning more bearable.

Sending you a big kiss and smile to make sure your day starts our fabulous!

I was totally never a morning person until I met you!

Wakey Wakey hand of Snakey.

I'm exhausted this morning as I've been dreaming of you all night.

You must be tired because you have been running through my head all morning.

My morning would be better if I was with you! Have a great day!

It may be raining outside but you make every day full of sunshine.

Hurry up and WAKE UP! I miss you.

Love of my life – it's time to wake up.

See more: How to seduce a man over text


Sexy Flirty Texts For Him

As we are a PG site, I have kept these sexy flirty messages for him PG rated.

These sexy flirty words for him are perfect if you are just on your first, second or third date and want to keep it low key with a little sexy.

With that in mind, here are our fav sexy flirty texts for your boyfriend:

Had trouble sleeping last night as I was missing you to snuggle

What outfit should I wear tonight?

Could you beat me at an arm wrestle?

What's the hype with threesomes anyway?

It might be hard but you just gotta try to stop thinking about me.


Flirty I'm thinking about you texts for him

Here are some of the best flirty I'm thinking about you texts for him:

Do you remember when (x)

You really get me.

Missing you!

I'm getting butterflies just thinking about seeing you later.

I can't stop thinking of you.

You're my whole world

How did I get so lucky?!

I was just thinking about you.

See more: Sexy Texts for Him


Flirty Text Games

If you are bored or have some down time at work here are some of the best flirty text games:

Guess the song or text back the next lyric – One of you sends a lyric of a song. The other either has to text back what song it is or the next line of the song.

Guess where I'm at – Give your boyfriend or girlfriend hints (like I spy) and they have to guess where you are currently at. You can make it as flirty or PG rated as you are comfortable with!

Guess what I'm thinking in 20 questions or less – Name is pretty self explanatory. It can be a pretty fun game to get to know each other!

Would you rather? – Would you rather this or this?


Flirty Goodnight Texts For Him

Some of the best flirty text messages to send to a guy are some flirty goodnight texts!

There's nobody I'd rather go to sleep next to

Sweet dreams cute thing.

It might be dark outside but when I close my eyes I feel light inside my heart. Goodnight.

I'll be dreaming of you.

Get some sleep – I'll be here when you wake up!

Call me as soon as you wake so I can hear your voice again.

You're always on my mind – even in my dreams!

Flirty Goodnight Texts For Him

Flirty text messages for him

Here are some of the best flirty texts and flirty quotes to send him:

You definitely need to come over. I have all your favs – Pizza, Beer, and of course…Me!

You are perfect in every way imaginable.

Do you have any room for little old me in that busy schedule of yours?

Do you like my outfit? It's made of girlfriend material.

I like you more than I like fries. That's saying something!

Funny Flirty text messages for him

Here are some of the best flirty jokes for him:

Does your Dad happen to be Liam Neeson because I'm taken with you.

I'd be happy to be your handbag – then I'd never have to leave your side.

What did you do, sit in a pile of sugar or something because you have a pretty sweet ass!

You smell like trash! Can I take you out?


Cute Flirty Text Messages For Him

Here are some cute flirty text messages for him. The best flirty texts for your crush!

Come visit my dog. He misses you. And I might too…

I hate people. You're the only exception.

Today sucked. I need you to come cheer me up.

You're adorable – even over text you are the cutest!

Loving, Flirty Sweet texts for him

Here are some loving, flirty, sweet text messages for him:

How do you feel about pineapple on pizza? Is it a yes or a no?

I have some crappy jobs to do today. Will you join me to make them more fun?

What cologne do you wear? Because I am addicted to it.

Flirty Messages for Husband

Looking for some cute flirty messages just to text your hubby? We have you covered:

Hey cute hubs! Thinking about you!

Missing you so much today! Expect some kissin' later.

I could go for one of your kisses right now.

Hey Hunk, thanks for fixing x it made my day.

Flirty Riddles & Jokes to Text Him

Why is Spider Man a bad boyfriend? He's very clingy!

I love you more than coffee. Just don't make me prove it!

What do you think is a boyfriend's idea of honesty in a relationship? Telling you his real name.

You've stolen a pizza my heart

Flirty Romantic Texts for Him

Here are some flirty things to text your crush:

You're in my 4AM thoughts.

I'll admit you're on my mind more than just sometimes.

Hey, cutie. =)

Come save me 😉

Sweet dreams, darling. If you want to send some cute goodnight messages, these sweet dreams quotes might help 🙂

Flirty Texts to Get Him Back

Here are some flirty pick up lines to get him back:

Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

When God made you, he was showing off.

Hot stuff say what?

I had to remove my space bar so I could get closer to you.

Flirty Truth Questions for Him

Here are some of the best Flirty Questions to Text a Guy. These Flirty Questions for Him are too good (and sometimes hilarious to be true)

I was a flower, what kind of flower would I be?

What is something that you think sets me apart from other people?

What famous actress do you think I'm most like?

Do you like my outfit?

What do you think is my favorite food?

Flirty Poems to Text a Guy

Roses are red, violets are blue, no-one is as sweet as you!

If ever we shall perish and become but specks of dust, I hope the wind carries us away to that place you've always loved. – R.M. Broderick Poetry

I'll plant a row of daisy seeds, In the space below each eye, So they'll remind you of your beauty, When they bloom each time you cry. – Erin Hanson

Subtle Flirty Texts

Looking for some innocent flirty texts? We have you covered with some of the best:

Are you this cute all the time, or did I just catch you on a really good day?

My cat told me that she'll give up her spot on my pillow for you.

I'll give you 3 chances to guess what I'm thinking about right now.

Hey stranger. What are you up to?


Flirty Song Lyrics for Him

Here are some of the best flirty songs to text him:

"This thing (this thing)/Called love (called love) It cries (like a baby)/In a cradle all night It swings (woo woo)/It jives (woo woo) It shakes all over like a jelly fish/I kinda like it Crazy little thing called love" – Queen

"I know you haven't made your mind up yet But I will never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met No doubt in my mind where you belong" – Adele

"Oh no, did I get too close oh? Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside? All your insecurities/All the dirty laundry Never made me blink one time Unconditional, unconditionally I will love you unconditionally There is no fear now/Let go and just be free I will love you unconditionally" – Katie Perry

"I look and stare so deep in your eyes/I touch on you more and more every time When you leave, I'm begging you not to go/Call your name two or three times in a row Such a funny thing for me to try to explain/How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame 'Cause I know I don't understand/Just how your love can do what no one else can" – Beyonce

Flirty text messages for her

Looking for some flirty text messages, questions or compliments to text her? Here are our best flirty texts for her examples:

You look beautiful today! No I cant see you but you are in my head

You are my sunshine on a rainy day, my better half my saving grace

Good morning beautiful lady!

Hello sunshine!

You might also like to check out our list of flirty texts for her!


Flirty I Miss You Texts for Him

I miss your cute face

I miss you in my arms

I miss everything even your BO. That's saying something!

Hey Hottie. I miss you!

Flirty Happy Birthday texts for Him

Looking for flirty lines to text him on his birthday. Here are the best birthday texts for him:

Happy Birthday sweet stuff

Hey Birthday Boy

Don't party too hard without me!

I'm so happy you were born.

Long distance cute flirty texts for him

Are you in a long distance relationship? Here are some Long distance flirty texts including some emoji texts for him.

Can't wait to see you soon 😉

Looking forward to the next time we are together 🙂

Distance doesn't define us 🙂


You might also like to check out these posts to plan our next fun date together:

  • Long distance date ideas;
  • Virtual date ideas;
  • Long distance gifts for him!


Save to Pinterest: Best Flirty Texts To Send A Guy



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