How to Disable the Tpm System on My 2008 Honda Crv
- certainly [OP]
- Jr. Member
- Dec 31, 2005
- 101 posts
Mar 16th, 2009 10:59 pm
2008 Honda CRV TPMS light ON
The TPMS light on in the morning when I drive on the way to the office. The vehicle purchesed last year with four new all-season tires. I switched to four Bridgestone winter tires from a garage December last year. The light never lights on until this morning.
And Yes, the rear tire on the driver's side only got 25 psi. The rest of tires got 35 or 37 psi. There is a sign on the tires show that the normal pursure is 44 psi. So I pump the only tire to 35 psi. But the light still on. Do I need to rest it manually or it will reset itself?
The vehicle manual shows the tire pursure should be 30 psi. However there is 44 psi shows on the winter tires. Which one I should follow?
- #2
- l69norm
- Deal Expert
- Jun 12, 2007
- 16970 posts
- London
Mar 16th, 2009 11:19 pm
Use 30 psi. I saw the same thing on a CRV about a month ago. (edit - See below). Try this:
[INDENT]push and hold down the odometer trip reset button. while holding it down,put key in ignition and turn ignition on. don't start the suv,just turn ignition on. all the lights turn on in your dash,including sevice required light. keep holding the reset button until the light goes out. let go of the reset button and start the suv. the light should be gone[/INDENT]
- #3
- jm1
- Deal Addict
- Jan 5, 2003
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- Toronto
Mar 16th, 2009 11:27 pm
Always go by what the car manual says and/or the sticker by the driver's side (should say the same thing). I think the psi listed on the tires is the maximum level, not the recommended level. Most cars and SUVs are 30-32 psi. You can be a little bit over or under, depending on whether you like your ride to be soft or hard, etc. but 44 psi when Honda says 30 psi is too much.
Sounds like you have a slow leak in your tire. You'll need to take it to a mechanic or tire shop to have it fixed.
Don't know about resetting TPMS light for CDVs, however.
- #4
- amplified
- Deal Addict
- Oct 13, 2006
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- Burnaby
Mar 17th, 2009 12:20 am
Also check you tire pressure when the tires are cold and not hot when the air inside has expanded.
- #5
- certainly [OP]
- Jr. Member
- Dec 31, 2005
- 101 posts
Mar 17th, 2009 6:14 pm
From the manual, it says that the TPMS light will automatically goes away after the tire pressure back to normal and drive several miles. However, after driving 10 miles, the light still on.
- #6
- downloader
- Sr. Member
- Jan 5, 2004
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- Laval
Mar 17th, 2009 8:02 pm
is the lower tire pressure light on or is it the tpms light? they are not the same
there is no way to turn off the tpms light no matter what you do to the dash buttons. When the tpms light is on something is wrong with the system.
- #7
- tkyoshi
- Deal Fanatic
- Mar 6, 2005
- 5782 posts
Mar 17th, 2009 8:15 pm
Check the pressures again when cold, inflate to the pressure on the door then try again. The psi on the sidewall is the *maximum* pressure. In somre cases TPMS will illuminate when the pressure is too high as well.
Also check under your steering column around where the hood release would be, some cars have a TPMS reset button there.
- #8
- abstract808
- Deal Addict
- Oct 22, 2002
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- 'sauga
Mar 17th, 2009 10:03 pm
Silly question perhaps, but you do have the TPMS sensors installed on your winter tires, right? If you purchased new winter rims with your winter tires you would've had to purchase new sensors and have them programmed in. If you're using the original rims with your winter tires then you're likely ok.
If the light that says "TPMS" is on then there's been a system malfunction with one or more of the sensors. If the light that looks like a flat tire is on, then one or more of your tires has low pressure.
- #9
- certainly [OP]
- Jr. Member
- Dec 31, 2005
- 101 posts
Mar 17th, 2009 10:36 pm
Yes, I checked the pressure before I left office, it was 35 psi. And after driving 7 or 8 miles, it still remains the same.
tkyoshi wrote: ↑Check the pressures again when cold, inflate to the pressure on the door then try again. The psi on the sidewall is the *maximum* pressure. In somre cases TPMS will illuminate when the pressure is too high as well.
Also check under your steering column around where the hood release would be, some cars have a TPMS reset button there.
- #10
- certainly [OP]
- Jr. Member
- Dec 31, 2005
- 101 posts
Mar 17th, 2009 10:41 pm
Honestly I have no idea if there is any sensor installed on the new rim. However, based on the receipt, there is no sensor item showing on it. So I assume no sensors for the winter tires.
You may say that the TPMS light comes on because losing connections with sensors. But my question is why the light did not come on just when the tires installed.
abstract808 wrote: ↑Silly question perhaps, but you do have the TPMS sensors installed on your winter tires, right? If you purchased new winter rims with your winter tires you would've had to purchase new sensors and have them programmed in. If you're using the original rims with your winter tires then you're likely ok.
If the light that says "TPMS" is on then there's been a system malfunction with one or more of the sensors. If the light that looks like a flat tire is on, then one or more of your tires has low pressure.
- #11
- certainly [OP]
- Jr. Member
- Dec 31, 2005
- 101 posts
Mar 17th, 2009 11:08 pm
Thank you for all of you. I think I found the answer. ... 655&page=2
How to Disable the Tpm System on My 2008 Honda Crv
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