How to Use Temp Control on Smok Alien

How to Use Temp Control on Smok Alien

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  1. OllieH

    OllieH Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Hi guys! Got my SMOK r40 today and I had no idea how technical and complicated it was going to be! I have never caped before today. I have a number of questions and would appreciate some help on the entire thing really. I purely want to quit smoking.

    1. How much liquid can I put in the tank?
    2. The liquid I have seems to be disappearing relatively fast!?
    3. What do different wattage and temp control do?
    4. How low before refill?

    Any help is massively appreciated

  2. SMKD
  3. jk1912

    jk1912 Postman

    Dec 30, 2015
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    dot know much about the r40

    you can fill the tank to the top if its a top fill.
    what pg vg is your liquid?
    you can only use temp control with certain coils.
    refill as soon as it hits the bottom.

    hope this ws of some hellp

  4. OllieH

    OllieH Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Thank you. Not sure about he pg vg, not currently home so can't check! How long should 10ml last me if I smoked say 15-20 cigarettes a day?

    These are the specs:

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  5. Liberty Flights
  6. ninjazx6

    ninjazx6 Achiever

    May 4, 2015
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    Said it before and will say it again... we can't clutch our pearls over regulation when newbies are getting sold stuff like this, whether from a shop or online imo.

    That said (and that's not targeted at you OllieH), best thing you can do is look on youtube for a comprehensive review right from unboxing through to all the menus, options etc.

    Few starters:

    1. Again look on youtube, a review will show you how far to fill but generally just a bit below the top.
    2. Liquid will disappear depending on tank and wattage. Generally: high watts = more juice used
    3. IGNORE temp control. All you need to worry about is wattage. First check the coil you're using is for wattage (not TC), and on the side or in the manual it should have a wattage rating. Start at the lowest, don't go above the highest, and just find your sweet spot.
    4. Refill when the liquid drops below the juice holes.

    Hope that helps, can't stress enough that youtube is the best thing you can do for finding out the details on any specific bit of kit, the manuals they come with are often useless. :)

    Edit: just seen your link. A word on the coils...

    1 x 0.6 ohm CLP2 Fused Clapton Dual Core (Pre-Installed)
    1 x 1.2 ohm Micro MTL Single Clapton Core

    I'd use the 1.2ohm MTL (mouth to lung) coil first. It will use less juice, run at a lower wattage, and will give an experience more like smoking.

    The pre-installed coil is DTL (direct to lung), will use more juice and give a different experience. Whether you prefer dtl or mtl is just something you'll find out in time.

  7. MrDJ

    MrDJ Legend

    Apr 4, 2015
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    hi and welcome to the forum

    the menu on smok mods can take some time to get used too but ive not used this one so not sure how its laid out.
    have a read here

    the difference in coils you have in the box
    Single Clapton Coil 1.2 ohm (18W-40W) mouth to lung like smoking
    Micro CLP2:
    Patented Fused Clapton Dual Core 0.6 ohm (20W-40W) (pre installed) direct to lung sub ohm.

    with a new coil always start low even if it says it can go upto 40watts
    prime the coil first by dripping liquid on the air holes where you can see the cotton in the coil.
    start low and turn up each puff. this will make the coil last longer.

    as said, fill the tank up but dont overfill so it overflows into the top chimney.
    the 0.6 coil will use more liquid than the 1.2 coil but is a different draw on inhale.

    as always if in doubt ask first.

  8. OllieH

    OllieH Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    The manual that came with it may as well have been in Arabic, made 0 sense. I will jump on YouTube as soon as I'm home and check it all out. The coil that came already installed is 0.6 ohm (20W-40W) to the best of my knowledge
  9. MrDJ

    MrDJ Legend

    Apr 4, 2015
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    ive got the x cube 2, x cube ultra, alien and menu all the same.
    if its like most of the other smok menus (just a guess) then its:
    5 fast clicks to turn on
    3 fast click to go to menu > left button to power > power off press fire button and hold to turn off.
  10. OllieH

    OllieH Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Very helpful thank you. How difficult is it to change the coil over? I've switched to Watss rather than temp now and it seems to give a more cigarette type amount when I drag
  11. MrDJ

    MrDJ Legend

    Apr 4, 2015
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    NEVER use TC temperature control mode with coils that MUST only be used in wattage mode.
    (i didnt even know this mod had TC).

    for TC you need either Ni200 (nickel), Ti (titanium) coils
    SS (stainless steel) can be used in both wattage and TC

    after 2 years i still only use wattage even though ive got 7 TC mods. this mode is more for advanced users and shops are not helping selling to new users without giving instructions on what not to do. to them a sale is a sale.

    check the link in my first post above which will show you about the tank and where to fill and how to change coil.

  12. OllieH

    OllieH Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    Appreciate everyone's help! Many thanks.

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